• Arthritis of the Knee


    The knee is a vital joint in our bodies as it bears a significant portion of the body’s weight, facilitating movements such as walking, running, and jumping. However, when arthritis sets in, this joint’s integrity is compromised, leading to a number of symptoms that can dramatically affect one’s lifestyle and ability to perform simple daily tasks. Knee arthritis, characterized by the inflammation and gradual degradation of the knee joint, is not a single disease but rather a term describing various conditions that cause joint pain and dysfunction. In this article, we’ll provide an understanding of knee arthritis and how to manage its treatment.

    Women in pain because of knee arthritis in Sandusky, OH

    What is Knee Arthritis?

    Knee arthritis is a gradual wearing away of the cartilage within the knee joint. Cartilage is the smooth, cushion-like material that covers the ends of bones and helps with joint movement. However, as arthritis progresses, the cartilage deteriorates, leading to bone-on-bone contact that produces pain, swelling, and a decrease in joint mobility. This can stem from several causes including age-related wear and tear, autoimmune disorders, and the result of knee injuries.

    Types of Knee Arthritis

    Knee arthritis is a broad term that includes several specific conditions, each with its own characteristics:

    1. Osteoarthritis – This is the most prevalent form of arthritis and primarily affects older patients. The loss of cartilage leads to pain and stiffness as bones rub against each other
    2. Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is an autoimmune condition where the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the membrane that encases the knee joint, causing chronic inflammation and joint damage. This erodes the cartilage but can also affect the bones, leading to significant deformity and dysfunction.
    3. Post-Traumatic Arthritis – This type of arthritis is a result of a knee injury, such as ligament damage, bone fractures, or meniscus tears. These injuries can disrupt the joint’s normal function, leading to cartilage damage over time and eventually evolving into arthritis.


    The symptoms of knee arthritis vary among individuals, but typical symptoms include:

    • Pain – The pain associated with knee arthritis may range from a mild, nagging ache to severe, debilitating pain. These symptoms can be increased by activities that strain the knee joint, such as walking, climbing stairs, or standing for extended periods of time.
    • Stiffness – Morning stiffness or stiffness after periods of inactivity is a common symptom that’s often described as a feeling that the knee is “locked up” or difficult to move initially.
    • Swelling – Inflammation in the joint can lead to noticeable swelling, as the body attempts to protect the knee by increasing fluid in the joint.
    • Reduced Mobility – The progressive loss of cartilage and the accompanying symptoms can lead to a major reduction in the knee’s range of motion, making it challenging to perform movements that were once effortless.


    Treatments for knee arthritis are varied:

    • Medication – This includes a variety of drugs, from over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs to prescription pain medications.
    • Physical Therapy – Physical therapy for knee arthritis focuses on strengthening the muscles around the knee to enhance flexibility and teaching movement strategies to reduce stress on the joint.
    • Knee Braces – Braces can provide external support to the knee, redistributing weight away from the affected parts of the joint for pain relief and improving stability during movement.
    • Injections – Injections with corticosteroids for inflammation or hyaluronic acid for lubrication can alleviate pain and improve joint function.
    • Surgery – Surgeries such as arthroscopy, partial or total knee replacement, or osteotomy may be considered for severe cases where other therapies have been unsuccess

    Risk Factors for Knee Arthritis

    It’s important to have an understanding of risk factors for both prevention and early intervention:

    • Age – The risk of developing knee arthritis increases with age, as wear and tear take their toll.
    • Weight – Excess body weight puts additional pressure on the knee joints during everyday activities.
    • Genetics – A family history of arthritis can increase the odds of developing knee arthritis.
    • Previous Knee Injuries – Injuries to the knee can affect the joint’s integrity, leading to an increased risk of arthritis in the future.
    • Occupational Hazards – Jobs or activities that include repetitive stress on the knees can increase the risk of knee arthritis over time.


    Knee arthritis is a condition that presents a significant challenge to those it affects. By understanding the types, recognizing the symptoms early, and exploring comprehensive treatment options, patients can effectively manage the condition and maintain an active lifestyle. Taking a proactive approach to joint health, considering the risk factors, and seeking timely medical intervention can help to reduce the impact of knee arthritis.

    At Sandusky Wellness Center in Sandusky, Ohio, we offer a wide range of chiropractic services to both adults and children, tackling various health issues from back pain to hormonal imbalances. Our experienced team uses the latest technology and evidence-based techniques to deliver exceptional care, including spinal decompression and myofascial release. We aim to address the underlying causes of health concerns, not just the symptoms, by adopting a holistic approach that treats the physical, emotional, and mental dimensions of health. Our friendly center welcomes individuals of all ages and provides diverse treatments for ailments such as whiplash, knee discomfort, and sports-related injuries. We are dedicated to ensuring minimal wait times and tailoring treatment plans to each individual’s needs, with the goal of enhancing your overall wellness and helping you to lead a stronger, healthier, and pain-free life.

    For more information about the services we provide, or to schedule a consultation, contact us via our website or give us a call at (419) 971-7029.

  • What Are Acupuncture Points and How Do They Work?

    Discover Your Acupuncture Points Provider at Sandusky Wellness Center

    Acupuncture is a traditional ancient Chinese bodywork technique that’s become a cornerstone of Chinese medicine. The concept behind acupuncture is that your body has energy running through it, called Qi. This energy flows through defined pathways known as meridians, and each meridian has specific acupuncture points that affect various organs or body systems. At Sandusky Wellness Center, we utilize acupuncture therapy to help treat a wide range of conditions affecting our Sandusky, OH, patients. Acupuncture therapy can be seamlessly incorporated into various treatment plans to help increase results while decreasing treatment time. Schedule your free consultation today if you’re ready to remove barriers to your overall health journey.

    Acupuncture Therapy in Sandusky, OH

    What Are Acupuncture Points and What Do They Do?

    The science behind acupuncture points states that these points stimulate your body’s central nervous system. When acupuncture points are manipulated, chemicals are released into the corresponding muscles, spinal cord, and brain. The biochemical manipulation may stimulate the body’s natural healing ability, promoting physical and emotional well-being. The National Institutes of Health have conducted studies that show acupuncture therapy can help effectively treat, either alone or in conjunction with other treatments, the following issues:

    • Nausea Caused by Anesthesia or Chemotherapy
    • Dental Pain Following Surgery
    • Addiction
    • Headaches
    • Menstrual Cramps
    • Tennis Elbow
    • Myofascial Pain
    • Osteoarthritis
    • Low Back Pain
    • And More

    How Many Acupuncture Points Are There?

    According to the World Health Organization, in 2010, there were 355 acupuncture points, with six controversial points increasing to 361. These points are organized according to their placement along the 14 major meridians. Providers have completed CT scans that have revealed micro-vessel clusters at these points, which helps support the science behind acupuncture. Our acupuncturists have undergone stringent training to identify and safely manipulate these points to provide relief.

    How Do Acupuncture Points Work?

    Depending on the desired result, either pressure is placed on the points or fine needles are meticulously positioned to trigger or stimulate aspects of your hormonal, immune, or endocrine system. Acupressure is when our acupuncturists apply pressure to key acupuncture points on the body or hand. When the acupuncture point is triggered, neurotransmitters, chemicals, and hormones are released. When released, they can trigger the following effects:

    • Decreased Muscle Spasms and Pain
    • Reduced Swelling in Key Areas
    • Fewer Headaches
    • Improved Digestion
    • Better Sleep

    Explore the Benefits of Acupuncture

    The human body has an outstanding ability to help itself. Our acupuncture services can help stimulate this ability through pressure or needles placed on key points throughout your body. If you’ve been curious about acupuncture, we’ve compiled a list of some of the most significant benefits of our acupuncture service, including:

    • Find Relief from Insomnia
    • A New Way to Tackle Migraines
    • Lower Stress and Depression
    • Helps with Addiction
    • Combats Chronic Pain

    How Do Acupuncturists Choose Which Acupoints to Use?

    When deciding which acupoints to use, our acupuncturist will complete an examination and discuss current symptoms. The symptoms help us determine which meridians are involved and allow us to identify a set of acupoints to manipulate and stimulate to produce the most significant response. Once everything is determined, we’ll begin treatment. For example, the bladder meridian can be balanced through the small intestine, lung, and kidney meridians. Your entire body is linked, and discussing your symptoms with your acupuncturist allows us to quickly identify and deliver effective and pain-free relief.

    Book Your Acupuncture Therapy Today

    Everyone at Sandusky Wellness Center is committed to helping our patients by treating the root of the symptoms, not just the symptoms. Our seasoned acupuncturists are formally trained and certified to help provide you with peace of mind. We’re confident that you can find relief for your acute pain or chronic disorder through our acupuncture therapy services. At Sandusky Wellness Center, we use an efficient scheduling system that cuts your wait in our office. When you arrive, you can be confident you’ll see your provider in 15 minutes or less. If you’re ready to discover relief with no formal recovery time, fill out our online form or reach out to schedule your free consultation today.